If Joshua Were Alive Today
(a guest post by Mr. Cohen)
Joshua was one of the greatest leaders in Jewish History,
and the proof is that an entire book of the Jewish Bible
was named after him – a claim very few people can make.
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How to Convict the New York Times of Unfair Bias Against Israel:
(a guest post by Mr. Cohen)
Joshua was one of the greatest leaders in Jewish History,
and the proof is that an entire book of the Jewish Bible
was named after him – a claim very few people can make.
Joshua, chapter 23, verse 6, narrates the prophet Joshua
instructing the entire Jewish nation to be very strong
to obey all of the commandments revealed by Moses
(“the Torah”), and also be very careful to not deviate
from them in any way.
Joshua, chapter 23, verse 7, narrates the prophet Joshua
instructing the entire Jewish nation to avoid mentioning
the names of foreign gods, and also to avoid causing
other people to swear by foreign gods.
Joshua, chapter 23, verses 12 to 13,
narrates G*D revealing that:
narrates G*D revealing that:
If Jews intermarry with non-Jews, then He will NOT
help the Jews conquer the Land of Israel.
And even worse, the sin of intermarriage will cause
the Jews to be driven out from the Land of Israel.
In our times, the ONLY Jews who believe that all
the commandments revealed by Moses should
be obeyed [when it is still possible to do so],
are the Orthodox Jews.
In our times, the ONLY Jews whose religious beliefs
include not mentioning the names of foreign gods and
not causing other people to swear by themare Orthodox Jews.
In our times, the ONLY Jews who are totally opposed
to intermarriage with non-Jews, and refuse to accept it,
are the Orthodox Jews.
Therefore, if Joshua were alive today,
he would probably be an Orthodox Jew!
=====================================Please also read: If Daniel Were Alive Today:
https://shilohmusings.blogspot.com/2018/03/if-daniel-were-alive-today.htmlPlease also read: If Isaiah Were Alive Today:
https://shilohmusings.blogspot.com/2018/03/if-isaiah-were-alive-today.htmlPlease also read: If Ezekiel Were Alive Today:
https://shilohmusings.blogspot.com/2018/03/if-ezekiel-were-alive-today.htmlPlease also read: If Jeremiah Were Alive Today:
https://shilohmusings.blogspot.com/2018/03/if-jeremiah-were-alive-today.htmlPlease also read: If Ezra Were Alive Today:
https://shilohmusings.blogspot.com/2018/03/if-ezra-were-alive-today.htmlPlease also read: If Nehemiah Were Alive Today:
https://shilohmusings.blogspot.com/2018/04/if-nehemiah-were-alive-today.htmlPlease also read: Refuting the Fans of Vashti:
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How to Convict the New York Times of Unfair Bias Against Israel: