Once upon a time, there was a weekly Israeli/Jewish Blog Roundup called Havel Havelim... And for a shorter time there were monthly JPIX and the Kosher Cooking Carnival. This was all during the heyday of independent blogging, when people all over the world took advantage of the internet to establish our own brand of journalism.
Our roundups aka "blog carnivals" floated from blog to blog. We took turns, since in those days hosting would bring new readers and fans. And the custom was also for the bloggers included in the roundup/carnival to mention the blog carnival in their own blogs. We were a community.
Mainstream newspapers and magazines noticed the unpaid talent free for the taking and added "blogs" to their internet versions. So, many people, including bloggers, became voluntary op-ed writers for those commercial publications.
Over the years, independent blogging has become less popular, though many people still blog, and blogs are used as inexpensive internet sites for services and advertising.
As you must know, since you're reading this, I do still blog. Actually I blog on two independent blogs, this one and A Jewish Grandmother, and occasionally on the Arutz 7 site. It's also possible that that the Jewish Press sometimes uses my posts in their blog section.
I blog pretty frequently, though not as obsessively, one on each blog daily, as I used to blog. In those days I'd set up articles to be posted on my blogs on days I wasn't to be home. Most bloggers blog no more than once a week or even less frequently.
After this long introduction, I'm going to list the titles (embedded with links of course) of a number of interesting blog posts. A few will be from my own blogs, but the vast majority are from other blogs. Please visit, comment and share. I hope that you enjoy them, find them thought provoking etc. And of course, I'm not responsible for the opinions of others.
Israeli Movie Day - 17/10 - 10 shekel movies!
EU admits violent riots in Gaza, but remains clueless still
A Torah Dedication that was a Disgrace
Trump Should Trash His "Peace Plan"
Parshas Noach: Do you see the man riding upon the donkey?
New "Space-Saving" Graves in Jerusalem
Antisemitic Sentence Examples in Oxford English Dictionary
Chocolate Lovers Truffle Brownies
Something to make me smile – Ethiopian Women Bus Drivers
Pishers' Guide to Jerusalem #30, Speedily Out of Order at New Train Station
Home-brews for the Ramot Forest: Thursday, October 18
Musings as a Frugal Entrepreneur
"Settler Racism"
Interesting Recent Links - Lech Lecha 5779 - Day 1
Art of Revelation: A Visual Encounter with the Jewish Bible, Stunning!
If you have any other Jewish/Israeli blogs to recommend, please tell me in the comments, thanks.