The official name for the upcoming Jewish Month is Adar Sheni/Bet, meaning the second Adar. That's because in ancient days, before there was a "set calendar," the months were announced when the first sliver of the "new moon" had been sighted.
In those days, if at the end of Adar, when it definitely didn't look like winter was over, they'd declare the new month to be an additional Adar. For "Jewish Leap Years," that name stuck. We have Adar Alef/Rishon/First and Adar Bet/Sheni/Second.
I'm a troublemaker, and I don't find those names good. I honestly think that now since we have a set calendar, we should be calling the extra month Shevat Bet/Sheni/Second, and it should come before a solitary Adar. But since I'm no Talmud Chacham, scholar, you'll only read this on my blog. Nobody I've ever mentioned it to knows of any Jewish scholar/sage who's said anything similar.
I hope you don't mind that I've written something that contradicts accepted Jewish theology.
Back to "business."
For well over a decade, I've been inviting women to join me at Tel Shiloh, Shiloh Hakeduma, for morning Rosh Chodesh Prayers. We sing Hallel out loud, but otherwise our prayers are silent, between us and Gd.
As we walk to and from the location believed to be where the Biblical Tabernacle had rested for three-hundred-sixty-nine years, we check out the latest discoveries, exchange Torah Words and more. Sometimes we celebrate special events together, too.
Rosh Chodesh Adar Bet we will doven together on Thursday, March 7, 2019, 8:30am.
כולן מוזמנות, תפילת נשים, ראש חודש אדר ב' , ל'אדר א', יום ה' ,7/03/2019 , 8:30, בשילה הקדומה, תל שילה
Shiloh Hakeduma is an officially recognized archaeological site, and there's even something more important. Biblical scholars and archaeologists agree that Shiloh, where I live, is the same as the Biblical Shiloh.
Here in Shiloh, yes, barely a mile from my house is the very place where the barren Hannah prayed for a son who would be dedicated to the Jewish People. He was Shmuel Hanavi, Samuel the Prophet.
For more information about our Women's Rosh Chodesh Prayers, email, with "Rosh Chodesh" as subject.
I hope you'll be able to join us.
Chodesh Tov!
Have a Wonderful Month!
Adar is the Month of Joy
and Very Pleasant Surprises!