In 1967, Israel's totally miraculous Six Days War victory "rounded out our borders" to sensible and defensible lines. We were finally surrounded by water and mountains, instead of drunken nonsensical indefensible scribbles on a map. But somehow Israel's Leftist rulers turned that victory into defeat, as they made it clear that most of the land liberated, in a totally defensive war, was being offered to the Arabs in exchange for "peace."
So Sorry We Won, by E. Kishon, Dosh |
"Conceptzia" misconception #2 was that mighty Israel had done such a great job defeating three Arab armies in 1967 that they'd never want to mess with us ever again.
Maybe as the dust settled and the fighting ended, the Arabs feared Israel, but as soon as they realized that Israel wasn't interested in playing strong victor, they lost all respect for us.
Due to some perverse Leftist ideology that we could win over our enemies with kindness, security has gone down and Arab terrorism has been rising. Add to that, for some totally fokokt nonsensical reason, Israel's defense policies have been based on some Christian notion, which isn't obeyed by any Christian country, to "turn the other cheek," to passively absorb aggressive blows. And then there's what you can call "Conceptzia" misconception #3, that if an Arab isn't shooting, stabbing he/she must be an innocent sic civilian.
Instead of being pragmatic and careful the Leftists who still control the IDF, Ministry of Defense, Foreign Ministry, Judicial ad nauseum have been overruling the wishes of the public who vote for parties and politicians who are more REALISTIC aka Right. That's what Judicial Reform is about. Since the Left can't win an election, the justices have decided that they have the right to override/veto laws and decisions voted by Knesset Members who had been elected by Israeli citizens.
That's how Israel has gotten into this war for its very survival.