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Guest Post: The Intentional Silence re: Crimes Against Jewish Women by Hamas, October, 2023


Subject: The intentional silence of UN Women Geneva regarding the crimes against humanity perpetrated against Jewish women: brutal rapes, torture, kidnapping and murder that happened on Oct 7 2023, and thereafter in Israel and Gaza. 

Dear ladies of the UN Women’s European and Asian Organization and sister organizations,

I am contacting  your organization at the Geneva email address as I could find no other address for you. If you would please forward this letter to your sister organizations, it would kindly be appreciated 

The purpose of this letter is to ask why the EU Women European and Asian Organization, and sister organizations, remained radio silent for nearly two months after the October 7th massacre? Your embarrassingly late response was made on December 2, 2023.

Your international organization represents all women, and underage girls, regardless of race and creed; you are their megaphone for crimes they suffer now, and suffered. 

Your deafening silence, in my humble opinion, is open -in -your -face antisemitism/Jew hatred. I’m not at all surprised, since the UN has been most unfair in their many resolutions against Israel over the decades

I ask you now, where was your collective voice and outrage that day, and the  immediate days to follow? Not a word. No indignation? No concern whatsoever for your fellow sisters? I question your motivations It was, in my humble opinion, not a bureaucratic error. No, it was intentional. Crimes against women and young girls: the human trafficking, raping, murder, child pornography, sex slavery, child endangerment (selling children for sex) and  kidnappings are called crimes against humanity, as defined by the UN. 

Your organization analyzes and makes recommendations to assist female victims of sex crimes, such as those listed above. You have, for decades, addressed these horrific crimes. I must ask why not for Jewish women?

I recently went on your website and found dozens upon dozens of articles and in depth studies pertaining to atrocities suffered by women of all ages from various countries around the world. What I found most interesting , when pursuing one of your websites, was an extensive and detailed study about the effects of the war on Gazan women. There was a substantial collection of colorful photos, all documenting the carnage in northern Gaza. I then searched through many of recent online publications on the UN Women websites. What I discovered was upsetting-that there is not one study or in depth report on the events of Oct 7th, and thereafter 

That these online reports are published monthly gives me pause. The butchery and barbarism that occurred was no where to be found. I must have read 15 articles and websites. I was saddened and at the same time angered to learn that basically the lives of these women just don’t matter in your organization’s opinion. That Jewish women, who had been raped, mutilated, and some brutally murdered, some beheaded, in some cases burned, not addressed at all by your org. Is disturbing and insulting to those women. And to all of us.

Your agency receives hundreds of millions of dollars from the US. Over the past decade, billions have been donated. And it’s my tax dollars paying your salaries

The hostages are still in Gaza. What are your people doing about it? I see you doing zilch. There are still 14 women presently held by Hamas. Negotiations to release them thus far have been fruitless. Where are your demands to have them released? Again, all is quiet on the home front

Only when you were publicly embarrassed, and basically called out on the carpet by the hostage families, PM Netanyahu and President Biden, distinguished Jewish leaders, and hundred of Christian and Jewish communities, did you finally respond. And the statement given was generic and lackluster.   

Some of the hostages are now home with loved ones. But there are grave concerns that some women may have been impregnated. Imagine, if you will, having to make a “Sophie’s Choice” decision, whether to keep the baby or abort? Can you imagine the psychological damages these women now suffer, and the nightmarish memories they will carry for the rest of their lives. What if it had been your daughters, or family members? Imagine. 

I read that your organization has plans to conduct investigations of the women that were held in captivity. That you even question the testimonies of these survivors is disgusting and reprehensible. There have already been several investigations by Israeli and US agencies and journalists. Question: do you doubt their stories. 

As you know, there are hundreds of videos, made by Hamas that were published in the media. One particular Arab “Telegram” channel published the more graphic and grotesque imagery. One was of a woman’s severed breast being tossed about like a ping pong ball. There were photos of women’s bodies with mutilated sex organs. These Hamas monsters were heard laughing in their videos. 

The most widely publicized video clip is of a young woman being shoved into a white van, the back of her pants bloodied. One can only imagine what was done to her. Later, it was discovered she was beheaded. 

I remember, and still see on television, a scene with a beautiful, terrorized young woman, being carried off on a motorcycle to Gaza. I also remember an elderly woman , known as grandma, kidnapped, and riding towards Gaza in a jeep. I’m sure many of you saw these images too. They were reported on all major media ( BBC, CNN, MSNBC, FOX, Newsmax, New York Times , Guardian, US News and World Report, the Wall Street Journal, Jerusalem Post —international edition, and countless other news outlets. And still, you believe it necessary to conduct a separate investigation? Shame on you. 

I am a former member of an internationally recognized womens rights organization, NOW, who still unnervingly remain silent. I became a member way back when, in the early seventies. I have now cancelled my membership, and I will be sending them a similar letter. I will also pursue other notable women like Oprah, Michelle Obama, Barbara Streisand and well known so called women’s rights activists and influencers who have yet to speak out. You would think any decent woman with a heart would have something to say. Right?

I believe it is incumbent upon your organization, in order to redeem your now sullied reputation, to announce publicly your unequivocal support for Israel and their war to totally destroy Hamas and their terror machine. That means no end to the war until the job is finished. That means no ceasefires.

I will make a suggestion: from now on going forward, you will include in your many online journals and reports, the stories of the Jewish women who were brutally victimized, and include the many well established facts on the ground that have been compiled, as to what actually happened Oct. 7th and thereafter.

I do believe, in my heart of hearts, that you will simply laugh at, or ignore this letter. Nevertheless, as a proud Jewish woman and ardent Zionist, I feel it is my obligation and duty to speak up. I will not remain silent in the face of what happened to these women. Silence by the UN is disgraceful. It’s gross dishonesty and is moral bankruptcy. 
Shame on the UN. 



Deborah Bee 

Deborah Bee: I am a wife, mother, grandmother and freelance writer residing  in the US.  I am an ardent Zionist who firmly believes that Israel and Judea Samaria are the eternal homeland of the Jewish people, and will always be, God willing. 

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