You know what they say about branding. Try to keep a recognizable name, so I'll just keep calling my blog "round ups" Havel Havelim. There's a facebook page, on which there are updates about when I'm posting one. Join it! This time I really didn't give much notice, sorry. You can always email me ( links with HH as subject, and I'll file them away until the mood strikes.
Since I'm the only one doing them, I do it when I'm in the mood, about once a month. Since I'm the host, I'll decide what goes in, and I'll also include any posts that have had been sent to me the past few weeks. I'd appreciate your visiting the various blogs, comment, share etc. thanks. This time I'm making categories and just listing titles, not the blog/blogger. I hope that makes people more curious.
Pollard Release
Jonathan Jay Pollard -- A Greek Tragedy
Some Thoughts on Jonathan Pollard Being Released From Prison
Jonathan Jay Pollard- Glorified House Arrest
Israel and The Rest of the World
Looking at US-Israel Relations
Jews With Guns
"They're Finding It Antisemitic," London policewoman warns anti-Israel chanters (video)
"Two State Solution" Causes Terrorism
Kosher Food, Recipes and Restaurants--Kosher Cooking Carnival
Israeli Beer in Jerusalem
Simple Winter Compote
Garlic Turkey
Corn Flake Covered Baked Tuna Balls Recipe- Gluten Free, Egg Free
The old blogger's beer lecture
Jewish Life All Over
My Non-Observant Sister’s Wedding
A Mother’s Note On The Eve Of Her Son’s Enlistment
A Baal Teshuva’s Father’s Perspectives
Until When?
The Jew Stands Alone
In spite of it all, life is good.
42 Years After Yom Kippur War, Another Azkara
Dvar Torah For Parashat VaYishlach
5776 - In the Year of Hakhel
Some thoughts for Chanukka
ELISHA DAVIDSON and the Ispaklaria--In Suspense!!
How to Go Forward Despite Intense Grief
Who Israel has instead of rock stars and supermodels (and why I’m glad)
If this is Kislev (so soon?)… this must be the November Jewish Book Carnival!!!
Stairs in The Israel Museum, More Handicapped Accessible
I think this selection is a bit lighter than my usual, meaning fewer heavy politics. What do you think? During my searches I did find a few new blogs, too. And I hope you check them out and share this Havel Havelim around. Thanks, Shavua Tov and have a truly wonderful week!!
Since I'm the only one doing them, I do it when I'm in the mood, about once a month. Since I'm the host, I'll decide what goes in, and I'll also include any posts that have had been sent to me the past few weeks. I'd appreciate your visiting the various blogs, comment, share etc. thanks. This time I'm making categories and just listing titles, not the blog/blogger. I hope that makes people more curious.
Pollard Release
Jonathan Jay Pollard -- A Greek Tragedy
Some Thoughts on Jonathan Pollard Being Released From Prison
Jonathan Jay Pollard- Glorified House Arrest
Israel and The Rest of the World
Looking at US-Israel Relations
Jews With Guns
"They're Finding It Antisemitic," London policewoman warns anti-Israel chanters (video)
"Two State Solution" Causes Terrorism
Kosher Food, Recipes and Restaurants--Kosher Cooking Carnival
Israeli Beer in Jerusalem
Simple Winter Compote
Garlic Turkey
Corn Flake Covered Baked Tuna Balls Recipe- Gluten Free, Egg Free
The old blogger's beer lecture
Jewish Life All Over
My Non-Observant Sister’s Wedding
A Mother’s Note On The Eve Of Her Son’s Enlistment
A Baal Teshuva’s Father’s Perspectives
Until When?
The Jew Stands Alone
In spite of it all, life is good.
42 Years After Yom Kippur War, Another Azkara
Dvar Torah For Parashat VaYishlach
5776 - In the Year of Hakhel
Some thoughts for Chanukka
ELISHA DAVIDSON and the Ispaklaria--In Suspense!!
How to Go Forward Despite Intense Grief
Who Israel has instead of rock stars and supermodels (and why I’m glad)
If this is Kislev (so soon?)… this must be the November Jewish Book Carnival!!!
Stairs in The Israel Museum, More Handicapped Accessible
I think this selection is a bit lighter than my usual, meaning fewer heavy politics. What do you think? During my searches I did find a few new blogs, too. And I hope you check them out and share this Havel Havelim around. Thanks, Shavua Tov and have a truly wonderful week!!