As we all know, all the experts, the pundits the poll mavins say that Donald Trump hasn't a chance in hell to beat Hillary Clinton, but please don't forget that until not that long ago, the same experts, the pundits the poll mavins were saying that Trump's candidacy hadn't a chance in hell and was no more than a joke.
How many times did we all see headlines claiming that NOW TRUMP WILL FALL/FAIL etc?
I have no insider information, and I don't even live in the United States, but I've been following politics since I was a little girl, back in New York in the mid-twentieth century.
One thing I've noticed over the many decades is how completely wrong "experts" can be as they inevitably project their own mindsets on others.
In many ways one should look at the Ronald Reagan political phenomena to understand Trump's popularity with ordinary Americans. Reagan, though he had left his acting career much earlier for politics, the Leftist media still did its best to portray him as a flaky actor without any real substance. Ordinary Americans, the "Silent Majority" and the the Reagan Democrats, who were "disillusioned with the economic 'malaise' of the 1970s and the presidency of Jimmy Carter" surprised the pundits by voting Republican.
Trump is the antiestablishment candidate par excellence, and he may even attract some of the Bernie Sanders supporters who can't abide the thought of super-establishment carpetbagger Hillary in office. And also many of those Sanders supporters won't vote at all, since they find Hillary and the system uninspiring at best. Bernie's supporters may find that the more the Republican Party try to sabotage Trump the better he'll look to them. And that sabotage will also galvanize others who hate the Bush Machine to support Trump.
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend" is an ancient proverb which suggests that two opposing parties can or should work together against a common enemy. The earliest known expression of this concept is found in a Sanskrit treatise on statecraft dating to around the 4th century BC, while the first recorded use of the current English version came in 1884.[1][2]...WikipediaHere in Israel there's a very long history of extremely inaccurate polls, so don't be surprised if Trump wins. Hillary is the candidate people are told to vote for so "there will be a woman in the White House," sort of like the awful tasting medicine one is forced to take to make them feel better, does not have much in the charisma department.
How Trump could beat ClintonSix months is along time in politics....