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Celebrating Israel and Jerusalem Havel Havelim!

Here we are between Yom Ha'atzmaut and Yom Yerushalayim, Israeli Independence Day and Jerusalem Day, which seems to me the perfect time to post a Havel Havelim, the long running international Jewish/Israeli blog carnival/roundup.

I must admit that there's no real system or schedule any more in posting Havel Havelim. I do it when I'm suddenly in the mood, like today. And I also now limit it to eighteen 18 חי Chai = Life posts. There was a time when I'd include dozens.

This morning, I was suddenly inspired and sent out a notice on facebook, especially on the Havel Havelim page, that I'd be compiling an HH in an hour or so. A couple of bloggers mailed me their posts, and they will get top billing. They will be followed by my own posts and a few that I've found. If you'd like to be included next time, then be sure to join the facebook page and "follow" it in order to get all notifications.

I hope you enjoy the selection. Please read, comment and share the HH and the posts. And when you comment on a post, please be sure to let the blogger know that you found it on Havel Havelim. Enough with this introduction... On with the show!

The Language Barrier: How learning Hebrew could save Diaspora Jews
Bitterness, Sweetness, and Redemption
Jewish Book Carnival, May / Iyyar 2016 Edition!
Keeping a "Happy Face," or Tremping Teaches Faith in Gd
American Anti-Semitism/Israel Serious and Growing
Apartheid in Palestine - 1935
ISIS at the Eurovision
Parshat Bamidbar 5776: Diversity Within a Common Goal — Unity of National Purpose in Our Time
Assorted Israel Photos in Celebration of 68th Birthday
Happy Holiday
The Sykes-Picot agreement
Carefully Keeping Kosher
Israel is Insane: Democratize the Temple Mount!
Rosh Chodesh Sivan, Spring Turns to Summer
The Rebbe Who Didn't Like Mysticism
Israel fights back against BDS. JVP fights back against Israel
Imposed "Peace" is More Like Rape
The Meaning of the Fire
Israel, The Land of my Heart and Home!

Let me know which is your favorite post or two or three, and also let me know which other blogs you like and think should be included. And remember that you don't have to be a blogger to read, comment and share HAVEL HAVELIM!!

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