* * * GUEST POST * * *
After 8 years of the Obama-abomination, Israel cannot afford another Israel-bashing American President.
After 8 years of the Obama-abomination, Israel cannot afford another Israel-bashing American President.
A vote for Hillary is a vote for wiping all-of-Israel off-the-map forever [G_d forbid], followed by another Holocaust [G_d forbid], followed by many thousands of Jewish refugees unable to find a country to take them in [G_d forbid].
[1] The Democratic Party is the political home of Arab-Americans and Muslim-Americans and Americans who want to wipe all-of-Israel off-the-map; the Republican Party is not.
[2] The Democratic Party favors the “Two State Solution” which means creating another terrorist state, dedicated to wiping all-of-Israel off-the-map and killing all Jews; the Republican Party does not.
[3] Donald Trump’s potential anti-Semitism is limited by the fact that he has Jewish grandchildren; Hillary’s is not.
[4] Hillary Clinton’s closest Jewish advisors are sick, super-Leftist, self-hating Jews; Donald Trump’s closest Jewish advisors are not.