Channel: Shiloh Musings
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Last Havel Havelim of 5776

Yes, it's almost Rosh Hashanah, and we can count the hours left in the Jewish Year of 5776. In well under one hundred 100 hours it will be 5777.

I'd like to celebrate it by posting a roundup of Jewish and Israeli blog posts from various blogs. And as has been my custom, I will limit the number to eighteen 18 חי Chai, Life. I will only show titles and hope they will tempt you to read the posts. And since bloggers love to hear/read your opinions, then it would be nice to comment and share, too, thanks.

We have a facebook page you can join. That's where I post news about Havel Havelim.

And just to make things clear, this is a roundup of posts by various bloggers of a variety of opinions. This is not a list of my recent posts. The opinions are the opinions of the various bloggers, not my personal opinions. Some I agree with and can identify with, and others aren't mine at all. Here they are; I hope you enjoy reading them:

Amazing Challot, A Tip and Recipe
A Jealous God
Judge Yourself before Judging Others
Teshuva, Tested at The Kotel
Ani l'Dodi v'Dodi Li
The wisdom of 93-year old Shimon Peres
The Legacy of Shimon Peres
Obama’s “Palestinian Land”
Shimon Peres....The Man I Loved to Hate
What makes Uman special?
Shimon Peres is Dead and the Thought Police Are Out Guns Blazing if You Don’t Think He Was Awesome
When Judea Became "Ancient Palestine"
Who Decides the Capital of Israel?
A Whole New World - Rav Moshe Weinberger's Drasha from Parshas Ki Savo
Three Invented "Peoples," Palestine, Africa and Europe
For a Healthy Year, How about a Fruit Head!

Wishing All of You a Happy Healthy and Joyful 5777!
You don't have to be a blogger to read, comment and share HAVEL HAVELIM!
From the heydays of Havel Havelim...
May you all have a Shanah Tovah, A Happy, Healthy and 
Full of Good News Year, 5777!

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