Chag Sameach! It's Jerusalem Day. Forty-eight 48 years ago, against all odds aka miraculously, the IDF liberated the area of Jerusalem that had been illegally occupied by Jordan since 1948. And not only that, Israel was victorious in a war that had been expected to result in Israel's destruction. While the world stood by watching, and Jews all over prayed, Israel defeated three enemy armies, Syria, Jordan and Egypt. Israel also ended up liberating the Golan Heights, Sinai and all of the land to the Jordan River! For this we are celebrating!
Havel Havelim is the long-running weekly international Jewish and Israeli blog carnival, founded by Soccer Day who no longer blogs, that floats from blog to blog. If you'd like to host one then please let me know ( and join our facebook page.
Here are the posts sent to me, some of mine and a few I chose. If you want to be included, please send the weekly host your link with a short blurb if possible. Information will be on our facebook page, or email me. Please visit the various blogs. Enjoy.
From Jacob Richman Educational Resources for Jerusalem Day and Educational Resources for Shavuot
Tzivia not only hosts Havel Havelim about once a month, but she also hosted the latest Carnival of Jewish Books – May 2015 / Iyyar 5775
From Zahava At the shuk with the living and the dead
Adventures of a Chief Rabbi Beneficial Obedience
Marcia Helping Others
Rosh Chodesh Sivan this week! Women's Rosh Chodesh Prayers at Shiloh Hakeduma, Tel Shiloh
I found a good reply for countering the faux moral Left Jewish Morality and the "Two State Solution"
About a fantastic Jewish Movie! "A Turkey can Eat From a Plate and Still be a Turkey" and The Torah Observant can Make Movies and Still Observe the Torah!
My mother would have been 90 this past week. My Newest Granddaughter and My Mother's Gifts
What Doesn't Make the News
Moderate Muslims Speak Up — And It’s Not Pretty
The Arguments over Jerusalem
Why didn't Rav Soloveitchik make aliyah?
Thursday's Parsha Tidbits - Parshios Behar-Bechukosai
Israeli craft beer at the Jerusalem market
When is food "Kosher"?
Do We Need a Rule about Breastfeeding in Shul?
Language Firsts
I'd like to remind you of something:
Jerusalem Day Prayers in the Mishkan Synagogue, Shiloh, Israel |
Havel Havelim is the long-running weekly international Jewish and Israeli blog carnival, founded by Soccer Day who no longer blogs, that floats from blog to blog. If you'd like to host one then please let me know ( and join our facebook page.
Here are the posts sent to me, some of mine and a few I chose. If you want to be included, please send the weekly host your link with a short blurb if possible. Information will be on our facebook page, or email me. Please visit the various blogs. Enjoy.
From Jacob Richman Educational Resources for Jerusalem Day and Educational Resources for Shavuot
Tzivia not only hosts Havel Havelim about once a month, but she also hosted the latest Carnival of Jewish Books – May 2015 / Iyyar 5775
From Zahava At the shuk with the living and the dead
Adventures of a Chief Rabbi Beneficial Obedience
Marcia Helping Others
Rosh Chodesh Sivan this week! Women's Rosh Chodesh Prayers at Shiloh Hakeduma, Tel Shiloh
I found a good reply for countering the faux moral Left Jewish Morality and the "Two State Solution"
About a fantastic Jewish Movie! "A Turkey can Eat From a Plate and Still be a Turkey" and The Torah Observant can Make Movies and Still Observe the Torah!
My mother would have been 90 this past week. My Newest Granddaughter and My Mother's Gifts
What Doesn't Make the News
Moderate Muslims Speak Up — And It’s Not Pretty
The Arguments over Jerusalem
Why didn't Rav Soloveitchik make aliyah?
Thursday's Parsha Tidbits - Parshios Behar-Bechukosai
Israeli craft beer at the Jerusalem market
When is food "Kosher"?
Do We Need a Rule about Breastfeeding in Shul?
Language Firsts
I'd like to remind you of something:
You don't have to be a blogger to read, comment and share Havel Havelim!