No doubt that many people didn't like my Sunday's blog post, Jews Who Fled Nazi Germany/Europe weren't The Same as Today's Fleeing Arabs. There are too many good people all over the world who go for the simplistic stereotyping that all refugees as somehow "innocent." They insist that helping the Arabs is a great tikkun, correction to make up for all the terrible things done to Jews over the millennia.
I hate to burst your balloon, but life's not so black and white. Before I say more, please watch this and read it carefully.
If you're having trouble believing it, then just watch it again.
And how about remembering that during World War Two, predating remote-controlled pilotless planes, the Japanese solved the problem with pilots trained to crash their planes into American ships and die. It was a "great honor," just like the muslim shahid. And I bet you thought that "suicide bombers" were Arab inventions...
Another thing, what do most of the "shooters" in America have in common?
Just hope that there is some way of effectively vetting those who want to enter your country.
I hate to burst your balloon, but life's not so black and white. Before I say more, please watch this and read it carefully.
If you're having trouble believing it, then just watch it again.
And how about remembering that during World War Two, predating remote-controlled pilotless planes, the Japanese solved the problem with pilots trained to crash their planes into American ships and die. It was a "great honor," just like the muslim shahid. And I bet you thought that "suicide bombers" were Arab inventions...
Another thing, what do most of the "shooters" in America have in common?
Just hope that there is some way of effectively vetting those who want to enter your country.