We still have lots of family and friends in America. Some see the American political scene the way we do, while others think we're raving lunatics. And not only do they think we're crazy, they take for granted that we're ignorant and try to correct our thinking. Sometimes this really gets annoying and tedious. I'm not ignorant. I do follow the news. I just see it differently.
Organizations like J-Street, and American politicians like Barack Hussein Obama threaten me personally in their policies. Just because they label themselves as "pro-Israel" doesn't mean that their policies vis a vis Israel would enable the country I live in to survive.
As I've written before, the so-called "Two State Solution" is totally unworkable and won't bring peace to the region, only war, terror and destruction. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's "conditions" of recognizing the State of Israel as a Jewish State and allowing Israel to continue being the military presence in the area, would never be accepted by the Arabs. Yes, that's why he keeps touting them, while claiming that "the Palestinians (sic) deserve a state." His hope/plan is double edged:
- that the Arabs will never dare accept the conditions
- that no foreign body will force/impose a "deal" on us that doesn't include his conditions
In a sense POTUS Trump did cooperate with Bibi when he stated that the negotiations must be between Israel and the Arabs.
Let's just agree to disagree...
Shavua Tov
Have a Wonderful Week