Remember that Ellul is the month of preparing ourselves spiritually for Rosh Hashannah and Yom Kippur, the holiest days of the Jewish Year. And since now we are already in the Month of Ellul isn't far away.
I'm a member of a group of women who go to Shiloh Hakeduma, Tel Shiloh every Rosh Chodesh to pray together. Shiloh, as the main location for Jewish Prayer predates the Kotel (Western Wall) by thousands of years and even predates Har Habayit, The Temple Mount by hundreds of years. Soon after Joshua led the Jewish People into the Holyland they came to Shiloh where the Mishkan, Tabernacle was placed and stayed for three-hundred-sixty-nine 369 years. The Kohanim, the Priests were stationed there, and it was the religious and spiritual Capital of the Jewish Nation. Yes, Shiloh predated Jerusalem!
Today, there is a vibrant Jewish Community in Shiloh. We have been living here since 1981, three and a half years after the community had been reestablished and fourteen years after the Six Days War. Today Shiloh is surrounded by many other Jewish Communities. We have schools, stores, clinics, bus service, light industry and even a swimming pool.
Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of the Jewish month, is traditionally the Women's Holiday. Please make plans to join us. Organize rides from your communities.
Come visit Shiloh! Please save the date, publicize it and join us.
Please mark it on your calendar and make arrangements to come. Also, whether you can come or not, please let friends and family know about it, thanks.
You're welcome to join our facebook page.
Mark your calendar, and join us. For more information, please contact me at with "Rosh Chodesh at Tel Shiloh" as subject, thanks.
You can visit the holy site anytime. Guided tours can be arranged through the Shiloh HaKeduma, Ancient Shiloh office. Email or phone 02-994-4019.
I'm a member of a group of women who go to Shiloh Hakeduma, Tel Shiloh every Rosh Chodesh to pray together. Shiloh, as the main location for Jewish Prayer predates the Kotel (Western Wall) by thousands of years and even predates Har Habayit, The Temple Mount by hundreds of years. Soon after Joshua led the Jewish People into the Holyland they came to Shiloh where the Mishkan, Tabernacle was placed and stayed for three-hundred-sixty-nine 369 years. The Kohanim, the Priests were stationed there, and it was the religious and spiritual Capital of the Jewish Nation. Yes, Shiloh predated Jerusalem!
Today, there is a vibrant Jewish Community in Shiloh. We have been living here since 1981, three and a half years after the community had been reestablished and fourteen years after the Six Days War. Today Shiloh is surrounded by many other Jewish Communities. We have schools, stores, clinics, bus service, light industry and even a swimming pool.
Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of the Jewish month, is traditionally the Women's Holiday. Please make plans to join us. Organize rides from your communities.
Women's Prayers at Shiloh Hakeduma, Tel Shiloh Rosh Chodesh Ellul
Sunday August 16, 2015
1st of Ellul, 5775, 8:30am
Hallel and Musaf for Rosh Chodesh
Tour of Tel Shiloh
Dvar Torah, Short Torah Lesson
Please come and invite family, friends and neighbors
תפילת נשים ראש חודש אלול בשילה הקדומה, תל שילה
יום א' 18-8 א'אלול, תשע"ה 8:30
הלל ומוסף לראש חודש
יהיה דבר תורה קצר וסיור בתל
כדאי לבוא ולהזמין חברות, משפחה ושכנות
You're welcome to join our facebook page.
Mark your calendar, and join us. For more information, please contact me at with "Rosh Chodesh at Tel Shiloh" as subject, thanks.
You can visit the holy site anytime. Guided tours can be arranged through the Shiloh HaKeduma, Ancient Shiloh office. Email or phone 02-994-4019.