Shiloh |
That's because so-called "Jewish Morality," sic, has been hijacked by concepts and ideologies far removed from Judaism and claim them as Jewish.
Liberalism and Democracy are not Jewish Values. They are modern western and European.
Judaism forbids us to "turn the other cheek," ignore attacks on us. The common practice here not to respond to rocket attacks on Israel if they didn't kill nor maim and caused no real "damage" cannot be defended according to Torah Judaism.
Making Torah Commandments more "modern," or PC-politically correct, was strongly condemned in the Bible. The Priest Aaron's sons were immediately executed by Gd for worshipping with a "strange fire." And the first Jewish King, Saul, lost his kingship when he refrained from executing the Amalek king and killing all the cattle. Gd did not accept his excuse that the people wanted him to keep them alive for a big festive ceremony. There's no textual proof that the people made such a demand, and Gd's instructions weren't negotiable.
For the State of Israel to be a truly moral country, a "light unto all nations," according to Jewish Tradition we must separate from the ideology of the international Left, Gd willing.
This post is my reaction to the pain of the families who are still waiting for the Israeli Government to take effective steps to bring back their children's bodies from our immoral enemies.