Just a quick couple of related pre-Shabbat questions for you. Who Speaks for US Jewry? Should We Care?
If you're an American Jew, do you agree with the policies agenda of the newby extreme Left J Street? It is getting all the publicity and media coverage. It promotes policies that are the exact opposite of AFSI Americans for a Secure Israel, the very underfunded and ignored veteran group. Or is there an organization you like which falls more in the Center?
I'm curious and would seriously like to hear your opinion in the comments, thanks.
If you're an American Jew, do you agree with the policies agenda of the newby extreme Left J Street? It is getting all the publicity and media coverage. It promotes policies that are the exact opposite of AFSI Americans for a Secure Israel, the very underfunded and ignored veteran group. Or is there an organization you like which falls more in the Center?
I'm curious and would seriously like to hear your opinion in the comments, thanks.
Shabbat Shalom uMevorach
Have a Peaceful and Blessed Shabbat