Arab Leaders and "Fellow Travelers" Support Terror
I sincerely pray for a refuah shleimah, a full and speedy recovery, to all of the injured in yesterday's Arab terror attack against Jews in Jerusalem. Special prayers for the toddler whose leg was...
View ArticleProfessor David Berger Assesses Problems with "Orthodox Rabbinic Statement on...
posted by "…elements of this declaration are decidedly problematic."Tablet Magazine has a lengthy article by Rabbi Dr. David Berger which assesses the impact of ‘Nostra Aetate’ on...
View ArticleBlog Round-Up, HH of Sorts
You know what they say about a rose being a rose no matter what the name, so is a Jewish and Israeli blog round-up by hosted me still a Havel Havelim, no matter what the format?While you're mulling...
View ArticleBillionaire Temple-Building Bishop to Lay Cornerstone in Jordan Valley
Posted by JewishIsrael.comBREAKING:Billionaire Temple-Building Bishop to Lay Cornerstone in Jordan ValleyBillionaire Bishop Edir Macedo, head of the Brazilian mega-church Universal Church of the...
View ArticleRE: Israel, The World Refuses The Truth
Whenever we say the full Hallel, which includes Psalms Chapter 115 תְּהִלִּים I think of those who refuse to admit that the Jewish People and the State of Israel are innocent victims of terror and...
View ArticleResults of Arab Terror Can't be Wiped Away
The bus stop is right near the String Bridge, which is whyit is called by that name. It's on Herzl Blvd a short walk fromBinyanei Ha'uma Convention Center, the Central Bus Station, major government...
View ArticleIsrael Suddenly Unpopular with Presidential Wannabes
APIn recent years until just now, part of the right of passage for those running to be running for the United States Presidency made a point of visiting Israel, claiming sympathy and support and always...
View ArticleThe Myth of the "Demographic Threat"
The Myth of the "Demographic Threat" is older than the State of Israel....the Palestinian population living under Israeli control will soon surpass the Jewish population, and that Israel would be...
View ArticleYoram Hazony Weighs In on Media Distortion of Vatican Conversion Policy...
posted by Jewishisrael.comDr. Yoram Hazony, a prominent Jewish scholar in the fields of philosophy, theology, and political theory, has written a critical analysis of the recent Vatican document on...
View ArticleIsraeli Politics: Pre-Elections Shake-Ups?
While the Israeli Opposition hasn't let up much in its campaign to unseat Bibi and the Likud, things haven't been very pastoral on the Right of the political spectrum.Pundits have been hinting and...
View ArticleDemand Civil Rights for Jews in Israel!
On the Temple Mount, we could walk but not pray.There are two very disturbing issues going on in Israel right now. One has been going on for decades. You can probably guess that it concerns the lack of...
View ArticleBuilding and Road Improvements in Shiloh Area
One of the complaints of people who live in Mateh Binyamin (Benjamin County) where Shiloh is concerns traffic jams at Tzomet Adam (Junction.) It's a badly planned junction with a tiny contorted traffic...
View ArticleSaved by The Bell
Angry people and employees going on strike.On Tuesday, facebook and email groups, whatsapp and more were full of panicky "how will we travel... manage etc during the BIG STRIKE?" Schools, public...
View ArticleThe Yin and Yang of Arab Terrorism vs Israeli Survival
No doubt you're all aware and knowledgeable about the concept of Yin and Yang.In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang (also, yin-yang or yin yang) describes how opposite or contrary forces are actually...
View ArticleIn All Honesty...
To be perfectly honest, I just don't believe that the security forces have any proof that the Jewish suspects that have been tortured and are still being tortured to extract confessions are guilty of...
View ArticleMainstream Media Distort Reality
You won't get the truth from the headlines!Israeli forces kill four Palestinian assailants in West BankIt's not just CNN, Reuters etc. Israel's Jerusalem Post isn't any better:Two terrorists shot dead...
View ArticleBrazilian Chutzpah, More of The Same...
Dani DayanConsidering that as of today there isn't a single solitary foreign embassy in Jerusalem which is the Capital of the State of Israel, and Israel hasn't taken proper steps against all those...
View ArticleBiblical Rape of Dina vs Terror at The Trempiada
This week's Parshat Shavua, Torah Portion of the Week, Vayichi, doesn't have the "rape of Dina," but the terrible event is alluded to in Jacob's blessing of Simon and Levi. At the Shabbat Women's class...
View ArticleSacrilegious? A Midrash That Makes No Sense to Me!
Joseph and Potiphar's Wife (1631 painting by Guido Reni) WikipediaI know that some people will find this rather sacrilegious. I'm not a great fan of "drash," lots of the Midrashim about the Bible. My...
View ArticleAbout Moses's "Heavy Tongue"
For many years I have been saying that I have no doubt that Moshe/Moses tried to explain to Gd that his accent would be a turnoff. Moses was not raised and educated with the rest of the Children of...
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