"Blue & White," Follow The Money
As is the norm for professional, full-time soldiers in Israel, Benny Gantz, Gabi Ashkenazi and Moshe "Bogie" Ya'alon retired rather young. Of the three, only Bogie went searching for another strenuous...
View ArticleIs Bibi the Perpetual "Lame Duck?"
Things still don't look very good for the announcement of a new ruling coalition here in Israel. It seems that both of the two largest parties, the newbie "Blue & White" and the veteran Likud have...
View ArticleParshat Shavua Thoughts, Is "Vayelech" Connected to "Lech Lecha?"
Genesis/Bereishit 12לך לך Lech Lecha1 וַיֹּ֤אמֶר יְהוָה֙ אֶל־אַבְרָ֔ם לֶךְ־לְךָ֛מֵאַרְצְךָ֥ וּמִמּֽוֹלַדְתְּךָ֖ וּמִבֵּ֣ית אָבִ֑יךָ אֶל־הָאָ֖רֶץ אֲשֶׁ֥ר אַרְאֶֽךָּ׃The LORD said to Abram, “Go forth...
View ArticleWhat's New in The Jewish Blog World? 1st Roundup of 5780
Once upon a time there was a weekly Jewish Blog Carnival, Havel Havelim, which featured the latest blog posts from a great variety of Jewish and Israeli blogs. It was hosted by the various bloggers and...
View ArticleNO POLITICS: We're Celebrating Succot, The Happy Holiday
Tonight as I was getting into a ride home after shopping in our local supermarket my friends and all agreed that we're onto talking about politics. Succot is the time of "joy." We're commanded to be...
View ArticleIsrael's Coalition Woes, Bibi Passes The Baton
Since the Jewish Holiday Season, a three week plus marathon of celebrations, prayers, food and fasting, are finally over I'm back to blogging about Israeli politics.Prime Minister Binyamin "Bibi"...
View ArticleWill The Chareidim Be The New NRP?
The NRP, Mafdal, National Religious Party used to have a slogan to make it clear that they'd justify being in all coalitions to support their "special interests."In those days they'd stay out of...
View ArticleNext Month Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Who's Coming?
Paste your faces here, and join our Women's Rosh Chodesh Prayers. Animals certainly not required.Considering that today's Rosh Chodesh Marchesvan, it may seem a bit early to be making plans for next...
View ArticleMatan, 5780, 2019-2020, Spectacular Start
Matan, Jerusalem, 30 Rashbag StreetYesterday I and hundreds of others began the 5780, 2019-2020 study year in Matan. (There are other courses in Hebrew and English which began on Sunday, but the ones...
View ArticleThe Tower of Babel and "The Twilight Zone." Parshat Noah
This past Shabbat's Torah Portion of the Week was Noach, or Noah. There are lots of topics in this Parsha, the flood, rainbow, Tower of Babel, antecedents of Abraham and Sarah and more. At our "Parshat...
View ArticleQuiet on The Coalition Building Front, Good or Bad?
Israel has been in the Election and Government coalition building mode for close to a year already. We've had two national Knesset Elections, and still Bibi's steering a "temporary," lame duck...
View ArticleImproving Safety and Traffic at Shiloh Junction
Just a few years ago, the powers that be in our Binyamin region thought they were improving our lives by building a sort of bus stop/hitchhiking post on Highway 60 going north at the Shiloh Junction....
View ArticleThe Déjà Vu War- Let's Destroy The Terrorists So There Won't Be Déjà Vu 2
Israel's security is like a broken record. We keep having the same sort of crises, or wars, or whatever you want to call them. Of course the government doesn't call it a "war," since a war would not...
View ArticleParshat Shavua Vayeira, Akeidat Yitzchak, Testing Issac
Bereishit, Genesis 22, VayeiraWe could spend a whole year studying the Torah Portion Vayeira, and I've written about it before. There's so much in it, narrative, theology etc. One of my pet peeves is...
View ArticleCoalition News? Haven't a Clue, But Don't Like What I Hear
Maybe by the time you read this there will be a coalition.Benny Gantz and crew are busy trying to tack together a ruling coalition leaving out the MKs voted for by most Jewish voters in the State of...
View ArticleBibi's Not Perfect, But He's Not Corrupt
What the Left, International Left to be exact, couldn't achieve in legal elections, they are doing by inventing crimes. My complaints about Prime Minister Binyamin Bibi Netanyahu are that he hasn't...
View ArticleNu? What's New in The Jewish Blog World?
Clouds but not much rainIt's winter here in Israel, though there hasn't been enough rain yet. Gd willing the rains will start soon. But considering that the sages say that Gd gives us the rains we...
View ArticleChanukah, Rosh Chodesh Tevet, Save The Date
Last Friday, women from Gush Shiloh, Eli and Shiloh, celebrated Rosh Chodesh Kislev praying together in Shiloh Hakeduma, Tel Shiloh.בראש חודש כסלו נשים מגוש שילה הגיעו להתפלל ביחד, ככל ראש חודש.Our...
View ArticleCoalition Politics: How To Banish Avigdor Lieberman to The Sidelines
There are many dimensions to the political situation present in Israel right now. On one hand I agree with the various opinions of Arlene Kushner, Caroline Glick and Ruthie Blum.But last night as I was...
View ArticleWords Can Be Dangerous, A Lesson From Torah Portions "Vayeitzei," and...
Torah Portion "Vayeitzei" which begins in Bereishit Chapter 28:10 tells the saga of Jacob after he left his parents' home. It includes his "nap" in Beit El, marrying his two wives and the birth of most...
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