What They Didn't Burn, Mel Laytner's Search for His Father's Holocaust...
What They Didn't Burn: Uncovering My Father's Holocaust Secrets by Mel Laytner is an amazing, riveting story. Laytner, an extremely talented writer, reveals a lot as he tracks down his father's...
View ArticleRabbi Pinchas Stolper, ZTz"L, Plugged the Assimilation Leak
NCSY National Convention 1967That's me receiving Standards Award from Rabbi StolperRabbi Pinchas Stolper passed away a few weeks ago. If you google his name, you'll find information and a number of...
View ArticleKetoret Government Incinerated By Political Prostitutes
No doubt some people won't like or get this title.Ketoret Government:The Bennett-Lapid coalition, which did manage to govern for a year and pass budgets is made of rather conflicting political parties....
View ArticleNaftali Bennett and Yair Lapid Switch Hats
I AM JUST STATING FACTSUnlike when Bibi Netanyahu had promised Benny Gantz to "switch hats" and hand over the office of Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett kept his promise to Yair Lapid and followed the...
View ArticleShmitta 5782 Berry Picking at Bikurei Shilo
Moriah Rapaport Shapiro is seen here talkingto our group about Shmitta and the story of the picking farm Bikurei Shilo.Shmitta, The Sabbatical of the Land comes every seven years, parallel or similar...
View ArticleThankfully Not All Israelis Embarrassed Themselves Over Biden's Visit
Everyone who heard that I would be in Jerusalem today thought I had lost my mind; even I had doubts. But since cousins were in from the states, and this was their only day...Why was this considered a...
View ArticleHar Menuchot, Givat Shaul, Jerusalem, Walls of Graves
Yesterday I was at a funeral in Har Menuchot, Givat Shaul, Jerusalem. Unlike the usual noontime summer funeral, we didn't bake in the heat, nor get sunburned. After the ceremony in the airconditioned...
View ArticleKenes Shiloh 2022, Better Than Ever
I've included a selection of photos in no particular order.There was wealth of talks this past Sunday at the 11th Kenes Shiloh at Shiloh Hakeduma, Ancient Shiloh, the location of the Biblical...
View ArticleDeja Vu, Yes, Again
The State of Israel, various governments including Bibi Netanyahu have established a dangerous custom of stopping wars before we've won them.The State of Israel, various governments including Bibi...
View ArticleBig Question-- Which Party Should I Vote For?
Simply put:The politicians I want to see in the Knesset and even better in the next government aren't running on the same party list.At this point, I don't know for which party I'll vote vote.There...
View ArticleRosh Chodesh Elul 5782 Women's Prayers
This year's Rosh Chodesh Elul is a two day affair, but since the first day is this upcoming Shabbat, our plans are to meet at Tel Shiloh, Shiloh Hakeduma, on Sunday the 1st of Elul, August 28th,...
View ArticleWhy Not To Vote Likud and Its Puppet Parties
My antipathy to the Likud is very old, almost as old as the party itself, which is strange considering my Betar background and has nothing to do with today's politics, or does it? Our aliyah, fifty-two...
View ArticleLikud & Cronies Care More About Power Than The Needs of Israeli Citizens
Outgoing Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu refused to politely congratulate incoming Prime Minister Naftali BennettNo doubt you can guess that these are photos of my television screen showing the historic...
View ArticleRosh Chodesh Marcheshvan Soon
Save the date! Women's Rosh Chodesh Prayers at Shiloh Hakeduma, Tel Shiloh, Gd willing in another week!It's always surprising how soon Rosh Chodesh comes after Simchat Torah, so I hope you can make it...
View ArticleWe Survived the Holocaust: The Bluma and Felix Goldberg Story, Book Review
We Survived the Holocaust: The Bluma and Felix Goldberg Story is graphic memoir. Graphic here means cartoonish pictures. Bluma and Felix Goldberg's story is a true story. Things are obviously...
View ArticleIsraeli Elections 2022: The Coalition Competition Will be Fierce
Spare Ballots if NeededHere's the Choice of Political PartiesThe previous elections were about a year and a half ago, which seems like ages, considering that the previous few were closer together....
View ArticleWomen's Rosh Chodesh Kislev Prayers
Women's Rosh Chodesh Kislev PrayersRosh Chodesh Kislev 5783Friday November 25, 2022 8:30amTel Shiloh, Shiloh Hakedumaתפילת נשיםראש חודש כסלו תשפ"ג בשילה הקדומה יום שישי 25\11\2022 ב8:30 You can spend...
View ArticleWill There Be Harmony in Bibi's New Coalition?
Political Chaos, my 52frames photo from Chaos album, week 44, 2022Binyamin Bibi Netanyahu, longtime head of the Likud party, had gathered a number of ambitious political parties to campaign as one...
View ArticleChanukah Rosh Chodesh Tevet-- Women's Prayers
Women's Rosh Chodesh Prayers Gd willing next Sunday. For other Chanuka events at Tel Shiloh, Shiloh Hakeduma call 02-5789122, write to visit@telshilo.org.il.
View ArticleThe Likud's Time Bomb
Likud-WikipediaIt's very deja vu hearing all of the complaints frustrations from veteran, loyal Likud MKs once they recognize that yet again there are hardly any senior positions remaining for them....
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